How To Improve Your Business
How To Improve Your Business
Today you are likely to interact with multiple companies and adhere to Business processes that ensure your interaction is transmitted less. It is also likely that you have encountered ineffective improve Business processes that made your experience with the company cynical. As companies grow, they undergo changes that make them increasingly complex. This improve Business in complexity is due to more people interacting with the company, greater data exchange between different departments, and greater variability in customer expectations and interactions with the company. These changes add costs and risks to the business and, in most cases, lead to the eventual decline and collapse of the entire improve your Business.
How to Use Time Tracking Tools to Improve Your Business- Life Balance
If you’re running your own small Business, you’re probably not just in it for the money. Most freelancers and solopreneurs are either starting up their dream business, or enjoying the benefits of being able to set their own work hours, work from anywhere in the world, and dedicate more time to their real passions.
But all too often, you might find that your work hours are taking over more and more of your day. It can creep up on you without you really noticing, until one day you realize that you’re spending a lot more time at work than you’d ever intended.
If you need to rediscover your work-life balance, or you’ve already found it but you’re concerned about preventing it from slipping away, you need to find and use the right tools to pin it down. Time tracking is one simple, accessible tool that can make a big difference to your ability to make your work hours more productive and your non-work time more enjoyable.
Here are just some of the benefits of using time tracking tools as a way to rebalance your work and playtime.
Minimize ‘time-suck’ tasks
You have no choice but to carry out jobs like calculating how many hours you worked on a project and issuing invoices and receipts, but they take you away from revenue-generating tasks and force you to spend more total time at work. Fortunately, time tracking software can help here too.
Cloud-based tools produce a precise record of your work hours, so you won’t risk over- or under-charging for projects or have to waste time manually totting up your time. Some sync with accounting tools and pull in mileage expenses to automate expense records and invoice and receipt generation. Others automatically suggest tracking time when they detect certain actions, like joining a Zoom call, so you won’t have to try to remember how long it lasted after.
“The more minutes you can free up during the workday, the more time you’ll have to focus on getting the job done,” says Ryan Sundling, a Group Marketing Manager at Cardinal Group Management. “If you can take your 11-hour workday down
to 8 hours, you’ll have extra hours each day that you can enjoy at home.”
Examining your timesheets also helps you discover which tasks suck up a disproportionate amount of your time and would be worth paying someone else to do for you, or paying for cloud software to automate the task.
Stop wasting time
You might think that you’re making the most of your work time, but are you really? Sometimes we trick ourselves into thinking that we’re working hard, when we’re actually wasting time, or filling it up with busywork. Procrastination is a serious temptation, especially when there’s an unpleasant task ahead of you.
Better time tracker software gives you a record in black and white of how much time you spent on work tasks each day. In his guide to time tracking apps, Neil Patel notes that with the right tools, “Users can better understand their work habits and where they are losing time. It really helps people hold themselves accountable.”
You can’t hide your own inefficiencies from yourself when you’re bound to time tracking data. “Between the automation and the robust monitoring, everyone is reminded of how they are spending their time,” says Patel. The knowledge might be uncomfortable, but once you discover where your time is going, you’ll be better able to find ways to focus and use your time more efficiently.
Plan your day for maximum productivity
The ideal work-life balance comes when you master the art of working smarter, not working longer. Everyone has natural times in the day when they are more productive, and times when their focus ebbs away.
“Your most meaningful and important work should align with when you feel like you are most productive in the day,” emphasizes Kevin Payne, marketer and business coach, in one recent advice post. “Working longer doesn’t mean you were productive,” he points out.
When you analyze a few weeks of time tracking data, you should be able to spot the times when you can concentrate effortlessly and work flows smoothly, and then plan your work hours around your natural rhythm. For some people, it’s early in the morning; for others, it’s late at night; for some, it’s just after lunch. There’s no right or wrong, only what’s right or wrong for you, and time tracking can help you identify it.
Prove when it’s time to expand
Plenty of solopreneurs find it hard to be sure when it’s time to expand by hiring another employee. It can be difficult to justify spending some of your income on paying a salary, but at the same time, you can tell that you are getting overstretched.
3 Strategies to Increase Your Business
The current state of our world has made cloud tech a growing priority across multiple industries, and with so many cloud options and opinions out there, defining your business’ approach to cloud can be a challenge. Recent annual predictions from analyst firm Forrester found 30% of firms will increase spending on cloud and related technologies in 2021, making your cloud strategy a key priority in the months and years to come.
To protect your cloud investments and keep your business functioning smoothly, you need to develop a cloud-native strategy by shifting your mindset towards the future state of the industry, mapping out your business goals, and enabling your IT and site reliability teams to make it all happen. Through the following strategies, your business can get the most out of this technology.
Embrace a cloud-native mindset
What does it mean for an application to be cloud-native? The Cloud Native Computing Foundation says cloud tech is that which “empower[s] organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds.” For an application to be considered cloud-native, it means it was created using cloud technologies, not just deployed through the cloud. A software application that was developed and hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS) from inception is a simple example. In a recent Entrepreneur article, I talked about how user experience is the cornerstone of building and maintaining a great application, whether it’s consumer-facing or an app that works behind the scenes to keep businesses running. Cloud-native applications are the next step in ensuring this user experience is a key focus from the beginning.
15 Ways Business Leaders Can Find Sustained Success In 2021
After all of the personal and professional challenges of 2020, business leaders around the world are looking at the year ahead for opportunities to improve business themselves as well as the organizations they lead.
If you want to create the right conditions for a more positive and successful 2021, the members of Forbes Coaches Council can help. Below, they draw upon on their expert insight as leading coaches to share 15 things you can do to prepare for sustained success in the new year.
Forbes Coaches Council members offer advice to help business leaders find sustained success in 2021.
1. Review What Worked, What Didn’t And What You Want
I recommend using a three-step process at the end of every year: First, review what worked well for you this past year. Second, assess what could have gone better. Third, create a vision of what you want for the coming year. As simple as these three steps sound, uncovering high-quality, thoughtful answers will set you up for success. Creating a compelling vision for yourself is especially important for the new year. - Rob G. Greenly, The Greenly Group, LLC/Corporate Physician Leadership Center.
2. Don’t Look Back At The ‘What Ifs’
Embrace the Japanese philosophy called “kaizen” (which means “change for the better”): Do not look back at the “what ifs”—look toward the “what will.” This never-ending pursuit of improvement and progress is the key to sustaining growth and success. If each day sees just a 1% improve business, you will experience greater success and growth in the long run. Rather than aiming for big changes, start with small micro-steps toward positive change. - Jedidiah Alex Koh, Coaching Changes Lives
3. Commit To Making One Impactful Change
Commit to making one change that will have a big impact. Whether you’re on a personal or professional growth path, identify one thing that has not served you well or facilitated your success this year. Determine what you’d like to do
differently, why it’s important, how you’ll accomplish it and the results you wish to achieve. Focusing efforts on one big change versus many typically yields a greater return. - Amy Phillip, Career Certain
4. Set SMART Goals
That sounds obvious, except this time, the “A” doesn’t stand for “Achievable.” Turn the “A” into “Accountable.” Setting goals that are achievable is easy. Instead, create stretch goals that you can hold yourself accountable for meeting, but which will require you to push yourself. There is a real chance you will miss your goal; but if you’ve done it right, you’ll grow just by making the attempt. - Dhru Beeharilal, Nayan Leadership, LLC
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5. Find Out How Your Customers’ Needs Have Changed
Evaluate the potential impact on your marketing strategy, product line and pricing via customer survey or other feedback mechanisms. Also, continually review past trends and future projections and monitor best practices as an aspect of creating an agile team. - Sandra Hill, New Horizen Coaching & Professional improve business Advancement
6. Develop Contingency Plans
Regardless of the year or the circumstances, the one thing that each of us can do to be successful is to always have contingencies in mind. Life often throws curves at us, and we need to learn how to navigate the curves or go off-road and avoid the curves. Being able to pivot your goals and direction is one sure way to be successful, regardless of what life throws at you. - Dan Ryan, Ryan partners
7. Keep Your Skills Fresh
The world is moving at an exponential rate of improve business and change. We have entered a new era of Industry 4.0 (the digital revolution of AI, decentralization, Internet of Things, etc.). Keep yourself fresh through books, training, mastermind groups and more. And keep up-to-date on ways to automate what you are doing so that you can multiply your time and efforts to innovate and have new thoughts. - Christy Geiger, Synergy Strategies Coaching & Training
8. Choose Three ‘Big Rocks’ To Focus On
Narrow your “big rocks” down to three. Never take on more than three larger projects or activities at a time. Once you complete one, you can replace it with a new one. With focused activities and a solid plan to reach goals, you can sustain success throughout the year. - Cory Swain, Advisors Excel
9. Reflect Without Self-Judgment
Reflect on what you’ve learned, any surprises, what didn’t work and successes. Don’t judge yourself. Processing what you’ve experienced helps you feel complete and revitalized to move forward. Use these insights to inspire your focus improve business for 2021. This approach helps to let go of what doesn’t serve you and tune in to what motivates you now. You’ll feel more committed than ever to your efforts. - Rosie Guagliardo, Inner Brilliance Coaching.
10. Take Time To Recharge And Reflect
To be successful does not mean that you have to work hard all of the time. You have to give yourself time to recharge your batteries and think about your life. Otherwise, you will burn out. Take time each week or month to look back at your behavior and see if it was good (or not so good) so that you can make positive changes. The most important question: What was good about the last year? - Cristian Hofmann, Empowering Executives.
11. Write Off Your Losses
In a year such as 2020, everyone took some lumps. Great leaders don’t ignore their failures, but they do learn how to acknowledge them and then turn the page. The difference between a bad season and a bad cycle is the ability to fail forward. So don’t candy-coat failure; instead, say, “Wow, that really sucked!” Then, move forward. Nothing will be behind you until you do. - Bryan Rhinehart, Relevant Coaching.
12. Commit To A High-Value Career Activity
Start off by committing to new training, certifications, professional networking or other high-value career activities. By diversifying your skills and making yourself valuable in different industries, you’ll be better positioned to handle unforeseen changes or leverage new growth trends. This is especially critical if you’re employed in an area of specialty that is susceptible to future downturns. - Laura Smith-Proulx, An Expert Resume
13. Plan The Next 10 Years
Take time right now to plan your long term (10 years), near term (three years, using a 3HAG, or three-year highly achievable goal) and next year! Align your daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly priorities with the big goals for the next year, three years and 10 years. This alignment will keep you focused on the direction you want to sustain and help you make better, faster decisions every day with the path forward in focus. - Shannon Byrne-Susko, Metronome United
14. Maintain Your Optimism
Keep up the hope and optimism. This is the advice I give most often to business leaders. Although we all need to be realistic, a positive outlook is critical to future success, particularly with your own employees and customers. Scenario planning is an interesting strategy not only to keep up hope for the future, but also to strategize regarding various paths that you can take in running your businesses. - Susan Madsen, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business.
15. Get Past Your Fears
In these uncertain times, it is easy to feel scared and act from a place of scarcity and self-preservation. To set ourselves up for greatness, we need to get past our fears and open ourselves up to new opportunities. Think about how this situation can open the door to personal and business growth. - Rajeev Shroff, Cupela Consulting.
In conclusion, make sure your change management and business process management processes are seamless and continuous. Processes have to be independent of their implementers and therefore can survive even if the implementers leave and are replaced by new people.
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